Everyone has their way of losing weight. Of the various choices, one of the most frequently chosen and fairly effective ways to lose weight is by implementing a calorie deficit diet. A calorie deficit diet is a way of losing weight that is done by reducing the intake of calories into the body. However, reducing the number of calories that enter the body should not be done excessively because it can have an impact on your stamina to carry out daily activities. That’s why we present Revitaa pro to help your diet program.
Usually, people who do this diet program will reduce as much as 500 calories from their daily needs. Reducing 500 calories from your daily requirement is enough for weight loss and doesn’t have a significant impact on your energy. The number of daily calorie needs of each person is different from one another. Several factors that affect the number of daily calorie needs include gender, age, height, weight, activity level, and each metabolic system. Men in the age range of 26-45 years with normal activities require an average intake of 2,600 calories per day. You can consume 2100 per day if you want to lose weight by 0.45 kg per week. For those of you who are very active, it takes an intake of about 2,800-3,000 calories to maintain a stable weight. If you want to lose 0.45 kg, simply cut your intake to 2,300-2500 calories per day. Meanwhile, men with an age range of 46-65 years need an intake of about 2,400 calories per day to maintain their weight. If you want to lose 0.45 kg, you can reduce your intake to 1,900 calories per day.
On average, women aged 26 to 50 with normal activity need an intake of 2,000 calories per day to keep their weight stable. If you want to lose weight by 0.45 kg per week, you can only consume a maximum of 1,500 calories per day. Meanwhile, very active women need an intake of about 2,200 calories or more per day to maintain weight. If you want to lose 0.45 kg per week, you just need to reduce your daily intake by 500 calories. For women who are more than 50 years old, usually in a day requires an intake of about 1,800 calories. If you want to lose 0.45 kg per week, you just need to reduce your intake to 1,300 calories per day. A calorie deficit diet is safe to do as long as the reduction in the number of daily needs is not carried out excessively. If your daily calorie intake is reduced excessively, it can make you feel weak due to a lack of energy in your body.