Do you have a carpet at home? Certainly very troublesome to clean it. Especially for a wide and thick carpet of success makes you inconvenience to wash it discover more here. Especially if the material is made of quality materials such as cotton, wool, silk and animal skin. If you are not careful about cleaning it, not even clean, but your favourite carpet can be damaged due to wrong maintenance. However, don’t worry about our team, Carpet Cleaning The Hills can help you solve carpet problems in your home.
For this reason, the following is the correct way to clean your carpet at home:
– Vacuum the Carpet
To clean dusty carpets, use a vacuum cleaner. Do not be in a hurry to move spots that are vacuumed with this vacuum cleaner. Even though you have set the suction machine with high power, sometimes the dust that sticks to it is difficult to be sucked into the machine just like that. If dust accumulates a lot, you can clean it with a broom first, then clean it twice with a vacuum cleaner. Do this regularly at least once a week. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, use a broomstick to clean dry dirt.
– Clean immediately when stained
If you accidentally spill dirt on your favourite carpet immediately to clean it. Do not delay until the dirt is dry and stubborn, making it difficult to clean it later. To clean the stain on the carpet you can use baking soda.
Sprinkle the baking soda first if the stain on the carpet is a coloured liquid. Avoid brushing the carpet using a brush with coarse bristles. This results in a thin layer of carpet and damaged fibres. You can also wet the towel with soapy water and then rub it on the stain.
– Use This Material For Dry Stains
If the stain on the carpet is a stain that is easy to dry such as drops of wax or candy, use ice cubes. Add some ice cubes to the plastic then place it on the hardened stain. Afterwards, remove the stain then wet the cloth with soapy water to remove the remaining stain.
– Baking Soda Can Be a Deodorizing Solution
Not infrequently your carpet causes a bad odour because it is not often cleaned or you do not dry when wet. You can use baking soda to get rid of the unpleasant odour on the carpet. Sprinkle baking soda on the surface of the carpet then let stand a day and night and the next day suck by using a vacuum cleaner. Besides baking soda, there are also other ingredients that you can use, such as vodka or vinegar water. Avoid using too much vinegar because it can cause mould on the carpet.
– Use the Doormat
If you want your carpet to avoid dirt and always clean, install a mat. The function of this mat can be to filter the dirt on the occupants of their feet before stepping on the carpet. Place the mat in the room with the carpet. Do not forget to put the mat in the corner of the room, for example, a bathroom, kitchen, prayer room or family room.
The Hills Carpet Cleaning
49 Manuka Circle, Cherrybrook, NSW, 2126
(02) 8310 7901